One of the most famous posters issued by the American Red Cross during the First World War, this evocative image shows a Madonna-like nurse cradling a wounded soldier in a pieta position. With the symbol of the organization in the background and an evocative title, this poster calls out to women to contribute to the war effort by becoming nurses.
World War I changed the face of the Red Cross drastically. Prior to American intervention in the war, the group was relatively insignificant, but they grew rapidly as a way for civilians to contribute to the war in Europe. Once the U.S. entered the war, many more volunteers joined and the organization received government funding. It would form one of the most important rescue organizations during the latter part of the war.
This poster was issued a number of times during the war, as well as with (at least) one later reissue in December 1918 (following the war's end in November), when the Red Cross realized that it required continued growth in order to fight the Spanish Influenza. This example was issued in New York by the Second War Fund and appears to be the earliest of the states, with added text and dates on the two recognized later states. The design was produced by Alfonzo Earl Foringer, an American painter and heir to an important Pennsylvania political family.