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Fantastic four-sheet, Russian-language wall map of Central Asia, encompassing what is today Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, much of Northern India, Tibet, and the Himalayas, the Caucasus, and the "Stan" countries, published by the Military Topographic Depot in 1864, with this edition updated to 1886.

The map provides a wealth of information for what was, at the time, the site of a major geopolitical struggle between Russia and Great Britain, today known as "The Great Game".

Some indications of the importance of this map and the region it showed can be found in the note at the bottom of the map. This note establishes that the map was made based on the most up-to-date surveys in the regions as well as compilation from English maps of the period and from some other official Russian sources. Furthermore, the note says that the map was to be updated on a yearly basis. The imprint information in the lower-right corner confirms this.

Though somewhat outside its main focus, the map provides accurate information on the Gulf states, namely what are today Bahrain, Qatar, the U.A.E., and Kuwait.

On the Qatari peninsula, several placenames are given:

Эль-бида - El-Bida, in the vicinity of present-day Doha
Адшеиръ - Adsheir, on the Saudi-Qatari border.
Забара - Zabara
Афджирадъ - Afjirad
М. Люфанъ - Cape Lufan
М. Анфиръ - Cape Anfir

Condition Description
Dissected and mounted on original linen as a folding map.