Interesting map of the Nile near Assouan (Aswan), the location of a present-day high dam.
The map focuses on this area as Aswan is the ancient city of Syene, the southern frontier town of Ancient Egypt. The Nile enters its first cataract just above the city. Syene was the focus of archeological study in the 19th century, due to the city's former military importance and stone quarries.
The German-language map shows the buildings of Aswan, features around the river, and surrounding topography. An inset map focuses on the First Cataract.
Carl Ritter and Modern Geography
Carl Ritter is considered one of the founders of modern geography and was an important figure of his time. One of Ritter's best-known works, his Erdkunde im Verhaltnis. . ., attempted to describe the geography of the entire globe. This work had a very broad concept of geography, not only encompassing cartography but also hydrography, climatology, and volcanology. Ritter never completed his work due to the vast scale of his undertaking.