The Earliest Printed Map of Bangkok, Thailand.
Charming antique engraved map of Bangkok, Thailand, which was still a relatively small community in 1822 or '23 when the map was originally drawn.
This plan, which is the earliest known printed plan of Bangkok, was published in 1828, following John Crawfurd's mission to the Court of Siam.
The map is oriented with north at the top. The Royal Palace and temples are at the center of the city. To the east is an island dedicated to powder mills. The rivers surrounding the city complex are labeled.
The map was printed for Crawfurd's Journal of an Embassy from the Governor-General of India to the courts of Siam and Cochin-China: exhibiting a view of the actual state of those kingdoms.
The engravers of the map were J. & C. Walker of London. It was published by Henry Colburn.
J. & C. Walker was the imprint used by the Walker family of engravers and printers. They produced numerous high-quality geographical maps and nautical charts for a variety of institutions in the nineteenth century. John Walker (1787-1873) held the position of Hydrographer to the East India Company, a position also held by his father and namesake. John worked in partnership with his brothers, Charles and Alexander. The brothers published over 200 maps for the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. They produced maps for James Horsburgh and the Admiralty, as well as the influential Indian Atlas.