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Stock# 71190

"The First Significant Collection of Charts Exclusively of the American Coasts to be Published in England" - Cumming

An attractive example of the largest edition of the definitive 18th-century English chartbook of North America.

This is a rare late edition, published just after the American Revolution, by William Mount II and James Davidson Jr. in London in 1789.

In Coolie Verner's study of the English Pilot (A Carto-bibliographical Study of The English Pilot The Fourth Book. Charlottesville, 1960) he provides an excellent summary of atlas:

The English Pilot was the first major sea-atlas produced in England. In its final form it consisted of five separate books, and The Fourth Book was the first wholly English sea-atlas of American waters. Although the idea originated with John Seller, he was involved in producing only the first two books. William Fisher and John Thornton produced The Fourth Book in 1689, and their successors Mount and Page continued to print it for over 100 years … Seller’s proposal for a ‘Sea Waggoner’ resulted in the production of The English Pilot, which consisted of five separate volumes with a common generic title. Book One included the southern navigation and Book Two the northern. Book Three was concerned with the Orient, Book Four with America, and Book Five contained Africa. Each book or volume has its own independent publishing history and appeared in numerous editions. The five separate books constitute a set only by virtue of the general title, and under that title The English Pilot is the first great sea-atlas produced in England. Of the five books, the fourth has the longest publication history and is the best known. (Verner, p. v).

The English Pilot, The Fourth Book was an extremely popular and important collection of charts that was published in at least 37 editions between 1689 and 1794. The number of maps grew from 18 in the first edition to 26 in the last edition. Though this is not the last edition, it also includes the largest compliment of charts of any edition.

Compliment of Maps

  1. New and Correct Chart of the Western and Southern Oceans Showing the Variations of the Compass According to the latest and best Observations.
  2. A New and Correct Chart of the North Part of America from New Found Land to Hudsons Bay
  3. A New Generall Chart for the West Indies of E. Wright's Protection vut. Mercators Chart
  4. A New and Accurate Chart of the vast Atlantic or Western Ocean including the Sea Coast of Europe and Africa on the East and the opposite Coast of the Continent of America & the West India Islands on the West...
  5. The Harbour of Casco Bay, and Islands Adjacent. (Moderate staining)
  6. A New and Correct Chart of the Coast of New Foundland from Cape Raze to Cape Bonavista, With Chebucto Harbour in Nova Scotia Done from the latest Observations
  7. Island of St. Peters (Not photographed, but present)
  8. A Chart of the South-East Coast of Newfoundland
  9. A New and Correct Chart of the Sea Coast of New-England, from Cape Codd to Casco Bay. Lately Survey'd by Capt. Henry Barnsley.
  10. A Map of the Coast of New England, from Staten Island to the Island of Breton; as it was actually Survey'd by Capt. Cyprian Southack.
  11. A Chart of New York Harbour with the Banks Soundings and Sailing Marks from the most accurate Surveys & Observations
  12. Virginia, Maryland, Pennsilvania, East & West Jersey.
  13. A Draught of Virginia from the Capes to York in York River and to Kuiquotan or Hamton in James River by Mark Tiddeman (Minor staining)
  14. Barbados
  15. A New Mapp of the Island of St. Christophers being and Actuall Survey taken by Mr. Andrew Norwood Surveyr. Genll. [on sheet with:] A New Mapp of the Island Guardalupa [on sheet with:] A New Mapp of the Island Martineca
  16. A Large Draft of the Island Antegua
  17. A Draught of South Carolina and Georgia from Sewee to St. Estaca By Andrew Hughes.
  18. A Correct Chart of the Caribbee Islands.
  19. A Correct Chart of Hispaniola with the Windward Passage Humbly Dedicated to Mr. John Machin Professor of Astronomy at Gresham College by C. Price
  20. A Draught of the West End of the island of Porto Rico, and the Island of Zachee [on sheet with four other charts]
  21. A New & Correct Chart of Cuba, Streights of Bahama, Windward Passage, the Current through the Gulf of Florida, with the SOundings &c. By an Officer in the Navy.
  22. A New and Correct Draugth of the Bay of Matanzas. on ye North side of ye Island Cuba, done from a Survey by Robt. Perason.
  23. [Bermudas]
  24. A New & Correct Chart, of the Island of Jamaica. With its Bays, Harbours, Rocks, Soundings &c.
  25. A Chart of the Coast of Guyana, From the Entrance of the River Orinoco, (in the Lat. 8 30' N Long 61 W from London) to the Entrance of the River Amazones, By R. Waddington.
  26. A New and Correct Chart of the Trading Part of the West Indies
Condition Description
Folio. Expertly bound to style in full paneled calf tooled in blind; spine in seven compartments separated by raised bands tooled in gilt, title labels in red and black morocco in second and third, the rest with gilt floral devices. 26 in-text, full-page, double-page, or folding engraved charts, 66 pages profusely illustrated with woodcut harbor plans and coastal elevations. (Overall a very attractive example, internally unsophisticated and beautifully rebound; there are some areas of minor staning and offset to the maps, as to be expected, but overall VG or better.)
Phillips, Atlases 4460.