Decorative Wall Map of the World, Illustrating the Manner of Dress of All The Peoples of the World
Fine double hemisphere world map, drawn by Menetrier, and engraved and printed by E. Charaire in Paris.
The map is a fine example of a World Map as an object of contemporary decorative artwork at the turn of the century in France.
The map is richly embellished with costumed figures in three rows depicting the peoples of the world, with vignette scenes of a paddle steamer on the St. Lawrence, the South American Pampas, the Sphinx, and village scenes in Indo-China and New Caledonia.
The map reports on the most recent discoveries in the North Pole, with Nansen having reached 86° 14' in 1895. Similarly, the south polar regions are beginning to take shape, although only the discovery of the Arctic continent by James Clark Ross in February 1842 is reported in the western hemisphere.
Within the map there is considerable information on shipping routes and sailing times to destinations around the world, such as: London to the Cape of Good Hope 17 days, to Mauritius 40 days, and to Australia and New Zealand 45 days.