Early map of the region from New York City to Cape Henry, centered on the Chesapeake and Delaware, from Abraham Wolfgang's L'Amerique Angloise, ou Description des Isles et Terres dur Roi Angleterre, dans L'Amerique, published in Amsterdam in 1688.
The Blome-Wolfgang map includes a key showing 29 place names (mostly county name) in the first edition and 30 place names in the second edition of Wolfgang's map. Burden notes:
this map is not derived from any clear source. An unusually slim New Jersey is depcited and the border between Maryland and Pennsylvania is placed too far north, just south of Philadelphia. The Delaware peninsula is leaning eastwards slightly and is broader at its neck than accepted at the time.
A fine example of this rare map. The first edition includes a spelling error (Chesenpeack Bay) and the first place name in the Explication of Signifie Riviere. In the second edition, Chesapeake Bay is spelled differently and the first place name is Riviere du Nordest.