Scarce interesting map of the West Coast of America, from Alaska to the Baja, the east coast of Asia, and Oceana, showing Cook's tracks turing his third voyage. The map follows Cook from the Indian Ocean to New Zealand, between the islands and on to Tahiti and the Society Islands, then north to Hawaii. The route along the NW Coast and then across to the NE Coast of Asia and southward are also shown. A primitive bit of coastal information is shown, with mention of Port Bucarelli, as discovered by the Spanish, etc. A note of Cook's furthest reach north in 1778 is shown and the point at which he was turned back by Ice north of the Behring Straits. Includes reference to other discoveries and explorers. Van Diemen's Land is still attached to Australia. A scarce early map, not mentioned in Wagner. Clean dark impression.
Louis Brion de la Tour (ca. 1743-1803) was a French geographer and demographer. Little is known about Louis’ early life, but some glimpses of his professional life survive. He did achieve the title of Ingénieur Géographe du Roi. Much of his work was done in partnership with Louis Charles Desnos, who was bookseller and geographical engineer for globes to the Danish Crown. He worked on the Indicateur fidèle ou guide des voyageurs, qui enseigne toutes les routes royales between 1762 and 1785. During his career he also worked on several atlases. By 1795, he had gained a pension from the National Assembly. Perhaps this pension was granted in part because his son, also Louis Brion de la Tour (1763-1823), was an engraver who made Revolutionary prints, as well as maps.