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Scarce map of Southeast Asia, the Straits of Malaca, Philippines, Sumatra, Java, India etc., extending north to Canton and Macao, from Jean Lattre's Atlas Moderne.

Includes a decorative allegorical cartouche showing the region as a place of commerce.

Jean Lattré Biography

Jean Lattré (fl. 1743-1793) was a Parisian bookseller and engraver who published many maps, plans, globes, and atlases. He worked closely with other important French cartographers, including Janvier, Bonne, and Delamarche, as well as other European mapmakers, such as William Faden, Santini, and Zannoni. Lattré is also interesting due to his propensity to bring suits against those who copied his work; plagiarism was common practice in eighteenth-century cartography and mapmakers struggled to maintain proprietary maps and information.