Scarce Spanish map of the United States, published in Madrid in 1834.
The map emphasizes the newly created Oregon Territory, here called Colombia, as well as the Missouri Territory and Northwest Territory, pre-dating the formation of Wisconsin and Iowa.
The old Spanish Districts west of the Mississippi River are still shown (San Luis, Howard, Lawrence and Orleans. along with the Est.s del Mississippi, shown between Alabama Territory and the Mississippi River, a flawed acknowledgement of the Mississippi's statehood, it would seem.
Pablo Alabern y Molas (1804-1860) was a Catalan engraver, part of an important family of Barcelona engravers. Pablo was the brother of Ramón Alabern y Molas and father of Camilo Alabern y Casas. Born in Barcelona, Alabern y Molas attended art school thanks to funding from the Junta in Barcelona, where he won several awards for his work. Alabern y Molas engraved many of the illustrations, including maps, in Catalan publications between 1823 and 1850. From 1830 to 1840, Alabern y Molas released a series of maps of the world. He also made engravings to illustrate works by Cervantes, such as Don Quixote o las Novelas Ejemplares published in 1832. One of his most important works are the sixteen plates for Flores' Mapa de España.