Russo-Japanese War Map of Manchuria and Korea.
Detailed color-lithographed folding map of Korea and Manchuria, published in London for coverage of the Russo-Japanese War.
The Russo-Japanese War was fought during 1904–1905 between the Russian Empire and the Empire of Japan over rival imperial ambitions in Manchuria and Korea. The war resulted in a Japanese victory and the Treaty of Portsmouth (U.S.A). Teddy Roosevelt was instrumental in the negotiation of the treaty and was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts.
The explanatory note under the title elaborates on the geopolitical situation in the pictured territory. It refers to the commencement of the Russian lease of Port Arthur and occupation of Manchuria in 1900.
The map renders topography by gradations of color. It includes the following insets: Port Arthur Harbour; Liaotung Peninsula; Port Arthur & Dalni; Chemulpo & Seoul; Masanpo & Fusan; Vladivostok; Approaches to Vladivostok; and Asia (British, Japanese, Russian, and Chinese Possessions).
At the bottom of the title block is a translation table of transliterated Korean geographical terms.
Steamer routes with mileage are shown in dashed-red lines.
One copy located in OCLC, at the University of Maryland, College Park. No copies listed in RBH.