Rare Large Map Published in Louisiana
Rare large format map of Louisiana, published by George Willard Read Bayley in 1853.
The present example was utilized during the American Civil War by a soldier in the 114th New York Infantry Regiment, providing a meticulous accounting of the movements of the Regiment through Louisiana between January 1863 and July 1864. Above the description is an explanation of how to pronounce:
- Thibodeaux - Tib-e-do
- Teche - Tash
- Atchafalaya - Shaf-a-ly-ah
- Bayou - Bi-o
- Boeuf - Bef
Parishes shown, with boundaries in color, settlements, township and range numbers, and roads. Annotated in color to show railroad lines completed and projected, "Boundaries of the uplands, or diluvial formation," and "Alluvium generally." Map includes tables of 1850 population, senatorial districts, and representatives, by parish.
Annotation in pen at bottom states:
The 114th N.Y. landed at Caroolton Jany 4th 1863. -- Staid 4 days -- Jany 9th Colt arrived at Bayou Desallemands the Regg(?) was all along the Road -- Feb 9 the Regt arrived at Brashear -- April 9th Started on first Teche Campaign Marches to Oppelousas & back to Brashear -- on boat back to New ?henor? and marched up to Cherryville, & back to Brashear City -- June 1st to Port Hudson -- July 9th by Boat to Donaldsonville -- Agust 5, 6, 7 marched to Camp Hubbard -- Septem 1er by R.R. to Algiers on the map -- Came back to Franklin Jany 9/64 -- Started on Red River Campaign March 15/64 and marched as indicated by ??? on the map -- The 114th has been in every Battle in Louisiana-- the most of which are marked on the map -- Left New Orleans for Washington July 6, 1864. -- A f??d ?olies? to "louisiana Low lands" L????"\
We locate examples at Library of Congress, Yale, UT Arlington,