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Fine Pictorial Map of the United Arab Republic

Tourist map of the United Arab Republic, published by the Ministry of Tourism in Egypt in 1969. The map shows what is now Egypt during its short time as the United Arab Republic, as well as the boundaries of Palestine, Jordan, and Saudi Arabia.

The map includes a legend in the bottom left corner displaying symbology for capitals, cultivated land, bathing places, boundaries, railways, oil fields, palm trees, towns, and old monuments. Above the legend is an inset map of Africa showing the United Arab Republic. The map uses color, illustration, and labels in both Arabic and English to display sites. Some illustrations are more intricate, like the newly built Aswan High Dam along the Nile, and others are small and simple.

United Arab Republic: The Union of Egypt and Syria

On February 1, 1958, Egypt and Syria formed a political union to become the United Arab Republic (U.A.R.). The two nations remained united until Syria’s military coup d'état on September 28, 1961, when it declared itself an independent nation. Egypt retained the name United Arab Republic until 1971, when it became the United Republic of Egypt under the rule of President Gamal Abdel Nasser.

This map uses color and images effectively to display the country to tourists. While not designed to help tourists navigate, it provides a useful layout of Egypt’s development sites and important monuments. Those interested in the Middle East, Egypt and Syria, tourist maps and tourism, map illustration and pictorial maps would find this map engaging.

“United Arab Republic” (London: Encyclopædia Britannica, 2018) accessed July 01, 2019. Thank you to Michael Jennings of Neatline Maps for the initial description. MEJ