Fine map of the solar system and other celestial phenomenon, based upon the work of Dr. Karl Friedrich von Klöden.
The image on the left depicts the orbits of the planets around the sun and the orbits of a number of comets, including:
- De Vico's Comet
- Halley's Comet
- Olber's Comet
- Biela's Comet
- Faye's Comet
- Encket's Comet
The orbits of Ceres, Vesta, Metis, Hebe, Palas, Astraa, Juno Flora, Iris, and Hygeia are also shown.
At the bottom left, a model is shown illustrating the phases of the moon.
At the top left, there is an illustration of the Comet of 1811 and the observation of a Zodiacal Light in Brazil in December 1803.
Karl Friedrich von Klöden
Karl Friedrich von Kloden (1786-1856) was a German educator, historian, geographer, geologist and paleontologist.
After an apprenticeship as gilders with an uncle in Berlin (also studying cards and writings) he was first employed as a private music teacher, engraver for the Schroppsche Verlagsanstalt (maps), and as a teacher of geometry and mineralogy the Plamannian Educational Institution in Berlin. Besides this, Klöde studied philosophy, theology, mineralogy and higher mathematics at the University of Berlin. In 1817 he took the position of Director and First Teacher at the newly erected Potsdam Teacher's Seminar .
From there, the Prussian Ministry of Education took him as head of the first municipal vocational school, the Berlin vocational school, founded in 1824. Until 1855 he held this position, with the school later called "Kloedensche Gewerbeschule". At the same time, he initially directed the Köllnische Realgymnasium.
Klöden himself researched geography in Europe and was considered an excellent cartographer, collecting and certain minerals, including works published on geodesy and astronomy. He was also a geologist and paleontologist and discovered the first brown-haired birds in Brandenburg. In 1821 he founded the weather observations in Potsdam. The focus of his research was on the medieval history of Berlin and Brandenburg. Klöden also published a family history of the nobility in Kloeden in 1854 in a self-publishing house .
He was a regular member of the Society for Geography, the Association for Brandenburg History at Berlin as well as freemason and temporal grand master of the Great Lodge of Prussia called Royal York for friendship .
He was buried in the Luisenstadt cemetery in Berlin-Kreuzberg. The grave is no longer preserved, in contrast to the grave of his son Gustav Adolf von Klöden .