Fine early map of Oceana and Southeast Asia, published in Vienna by Tranquillo Mollo.
Mollo's map includes a marvelous early depiction of Neu Holland vormals Ulimaroa. The coastline of Australia is still incomplete andther is no detail in the interior, but excellent coastal details.
New Zealand is two islands. Hawaii is shown.
Australia is named New Holland formerly Ulimaroa and, rather peculiarly, on the right of the continent is the wording New South Wales or Sydney Cove (Neu Süd Wallis oder Sydney-Coye).
The name Ulimaroa for Australia was first used by Djurberg, in his Cosmographie samt Beskriftning om Jorden i Allma¨nhet ('Cosmography and General Description of the Earth'), Djurberg provides the following explanation for using the name Ulimaroa for Australia:
On page 436 of Hawkesworth's account of Cook's first voyage, Ulimaroa is mentioned as the biggest island in the world. I should give a reason for this name. This land is called New Holland in a lot of maps, but for what reason I do not know; there is no similarity between Holland in Europe and this land, neither in size nor in the area's character. You find in the account of the famous English sailor Cook's journeys that when he was on the northern coast of New Zealand, he asked the inhabitants there if they knew any other country, to which they replied that to the north-west of their home, a quite large land was located, which they called Ulimaroa. I have decided to maintain this name as given to this land by its neighbours; besides it is better than New Holland.