A New York Railroad Which Was Never Built
Rare map of the Clyde and Sodus Bay Railroad, showing its route from Clyde New York to Sodus Bay on Lake Ontario.
The Clyde and Sodus Bay Railroad was organized at a meeting of the citizens of Galen, Rose and Huron, held at the Clyde Hotel January 22, 1853, at which the following officers were elected: President, Leander S. Ketcham; Vice President, John F. Curtis of Huron; Treasurer, Eron N. Thomas of Rose; Secretary, Joseph A. Pain of Clyde; Directors, Wm. H. Lyon and Wm. M. Lummis of New York, John F. Curtis, James T. Wisner and James Wride of Huron, Henry Graham, Chauncey B. Collins and Eron N. Thomas of Rose, Isaac Miller, Aaron Griswold, Leander S. Ketcham, Charles D. Lawton and Joseph Watson of Clyde.
The length of the route surveyed, from Clyde to Sodus Bay, was ten miles, and the estimated cost of construction was less than $150,000. It was intended to form one of three links in a railroad system to be constructed between Ithaca and Toronto. In July it was announced that $110,000 in stock was guaranteed, but the road was never built.