Revolutionary War Battle Plan Showing the Siege of Charleston
Detailed plan of the Siege of Charleston, from Tarleton's History of the Campaigns of 1780 and 1781 in the Southern Provinces of North America…, published by Cadell in 1787.
While serving under Sir Henry Henry Clinton,Tarleton played a significant role in the British capture of Charleston in 1780. Prior to this time he distinguished himself in the campaign for New York, the battles of White Plains, Brandywine and Germantown, and the capture of forts Washington and Lee. Tarleton sailed under Clinton in December,1779, to capture Charleston. In his History,Tarleton recounts how his cavalry raids cut off the city from all help, thus resulting in its surrender May 12,1780; how he protected Cornwallis in his march through South Carolina and aided in capturing Camden, thus receiving high commendation from Cornwallis.
The battle plan shows the British Fleet in the harbor, names fortifications and shows many other battle details, including outline color showing the relative positions of the troops.
One of the best obtainable contemporary battle plans of the Siege of Charleston.