Rare Lafreri School map of the environs of Tripoli originally engraved by Paolo Forlani.
The map shows the city, harbor, fortifications and various landmarks in the region. One of the earliest obtainable plans of Tripoli.
The map was published by Giulio Ballino in his Civitatum Aliquot Insigniorum, et locorum, magis munitorum exacta delineatio: Cum omnium quae ad eorum historiam pertinent, breui enarratione. Disegni di alcune piu illustri citta, et fortezze del mondo, con una breue historia delle cose, a loro pertinenti. printed by B.Zaltieri in 1568. This rare work was issued between 1567 and 1569 in 3 editions, all rare and each quite different from the other.
Paolo Forlani (fl. ca. 1560-1571) was a prolific map engraver based in Venice. All that is known of his life are his surviving maps and prints, of which there are almost 100 (185 with later states included in the total). He also produced a globe and two town books. It is likely he came from Verona and that he died in Venice in the mid-1570s, possibly of the plague.