Fine large format map of Texas, California, New Mexico Territory, Utah Territory and contiguous regions, which includes Deseret (Utah Territory).
Kiepert's map of the Southwestern United States, first issued in 1847, provides a fascinating look at the changing features of the region. Over the course of approximately 20 years, the map was consistently updated to reflect the results of the explorations and surveys in the region, along with the changing geo-political borders from the Mexican-American War, Treaty of Guadalupue Hidalgo, Gadsden Purchase and the evolving Territorial Boundaries of the West, up to and immediately after the American Civil War.
This 1853 edition provides an excellent study of the evolution of the west. In addition to showing Deseret (see below), the map includes a pre-Gadsden Purchase boundary with Mexico and locates the German, French and Mainzer Colonies in Texas, along with a number of early counties. The results of Fremont's Explorations and Surveys are in evidence. A number of Indian Tribes still appear, along with early routes through the west.
There are some changes from the prior editions, including the addition of the Llano Estacado (Staked Plains) of Texas (not shown on the 1852 edition) and a complete revision and simplification of the River Systems in Northwestern Texas, along with the depiction of two new roads where only one existed on the 1852 edition. The Rio Pecos appears for the first time, with the lands formerly occupied by the Apaches now identified as part of an enlarged Comanche nation.
The map has four insets: one of the Gold Regions, one of Central America, one of the environs of Mexico City, and a profile of the heights across central Mexico.
This map would have been issued for the German market, and it would have provided many an immigrant with a first look at the American West.
The map appeared in Kiepert's Allgemeiner Hand-Atlas der Erde und des Himmels nach den besten astronomischen Bestimmungen, neuesten Entdeckungen und kritischen Untersuchungen entworfen. Rumsey notes "This is a marvelous atlas, full of interesting details."