(Africa) Die Neunzehende Schiffarth, Inhalende Fünff Schiffarten Samuel Brauns Burgers und Wund-Artzt zu Basel, so er vor kurtzen Jahren in unterschiedliche frembde Königreich und Landschafften glücklich gethan, nemlich, in Africam und dessen Provincien Congo, Bansa, Loanga, Angola, Guinea, Morenland, Bennin, Amboisa, und zu dem festen Castell Nassaw in More. [The Nineteenth Voyage, Containing Five Voyages of Samuel Braun, Citizen and Merchant of Basel, Which He Happily Undertook in Recent Years to Various Foreign Kingdoms and Lands, Namely in Africa and its Provinces of Congo, Bansa, Loango, Angola, Guinea, Moreland, Benyn, Ambola, and the Fort Mina in More.]
This 1626 publication details the voyages of Samuel Braun, a barber-surgeon from Basel, who traveled extensively to various regions, including Congo, Angola, Guinea, and the Gold Coast. The book recounts Braun's experiences as he served on Dutch vessels between 1611 and 1613, providing detailed descriptions of the geography, cultures, and trade practices of the areas he visited. The account also covers his journey to other parts of the world, including Alexandria in Syria, Portugal, Spain, Italy, and various islands like the Canaries and Madeira.
Price: $ 1,200.00