Highly detailed map of Asia, extending to the Marianas, Palau and the Philippines and a large inset of the Behring Sea, published by Philippe Buache in Paris.
The map is based upon earlier maps by De L'Isle, which have been updated by Buache to include the most recent discoveries, primarily in SE Asia and the NE Coast of Asia, which is still a mix of mythical cartography and updates from recent Russian Discoveries.
Coree is a peninsula. Japan is oversized, with Isle De Jeso and the remnants of some of the mythical cartography of the prior century still in evidence.
Includes the mythical Juan de De Gama's Land, east of Yeso and Japan. De Gama land seems to be a part of the pre-history of the Northeast Coast of America, which would soon be laid to rest by the voyages of Bering, Cook and others in the region. In the early 17th century rumors began to circulate that a Spanish ship, traveling east from the Philippines to Mexico, had been blown off course and discovered a land in the north rich in gold and silver as all unreachable lands were. In later versions, the ship became Portuguese with a captain named Juan de Gama. In some geographer's minds, de Gama's land and Ezo were one and the same. In others, Ezo was a part of the Asian mainland and de Gama's land was a separate land in the North Pacific.
In the 1730s and 1740s, De Gama Land was a source of intellectual debate, not as to its existence, but its exact location, with such important explorers as De L'Isle, de la Croyere and Chiricow each opining as to its location.
Philippe Buache (1700-1773) was one of the most famous French geographers of the eighteenth century. Buache was married to the daughter of the eminent Guillaume Delisle and worked with his father-in-law, carrying on the business after Guillaume died. Buache gained the title geographe du roi in 1729 and was elected to the Academie des Sciences in the same year. Buache was a pioneering theoretical geographer, especially as regards contour lines and watersheds. He is best known for his works such as Considérations géographiques et physiques sur les découvertes nouvelles dans la grande mer (Paris, 1754).