Detailed map of the southern part of Newfoundland and the Grand Banks, showing the prime fishing region of the North Atlantic.
One of the earliest detailed sea charts of the region. Arent Roggeveen created the first maritime atlas dedicated to the Americas, beginning in 1675. Roggeveen began his career as a mathematician, surveyor and navigator. He began tutoring Dutch pilots of the East India and West India Companies and in 1675 proposed a voyage to the Pacific, which never came to fruition. His time as a tutor provided him access to a number of the secret charts, including manuscript charts of Dutch and Spanish origin. Over the course of 20 years, he compiled maps which culminated in the production of his Het Brandened Veen (The Burning Fen).
The work was intended to be a 4th and 5th Volume to Pieter Goos's Zeespiegel. Rogeeven's work would become the most detailed charting of the coast of North America and the Caribbean to date. Unlike Goos' charts, these maps are extremely rare. First issued in 1675, a later edition bearing Jacob Robijn's imprint was issued in 1680, after Rogeveen's death.