Scarce Revolutionary War period map of the Southeastern part of the British Colonies in North America, Gulf Coast and Caribbean, illustrating the course of the Spanish Galleon Trade and the English presence in the same region.
The map shows in fine detail the area from the Carolinas, Georgia and Florida to Texas, along with Florida and the Western Caribbean.
The map was prepared at the height of the American Revolution, at a time when the British still occupied East and West Florida, following the Spanish loss of the region at the end of the French & Indian War. The Spanish, from their power bases in Cuba and Puerto Rico and along the Coast of the Caribbean, were still engaged in an active trade and maintained active sailing routes through the Gulf. Secretly, they were also periodically meeting with Indian Chiefs in Florida and trading along the Florida coastline, in anticipation of retaking Florida from the British. Following the British surrender at Yorktown, the subsequent treaty did in fact restore control of East and West Florida to Spain, although Spain was never able to fully retake control of Florida, which would be ceded to the Americans in the early 19th Century.
The map shows both the route from St. Augustine to the western part of the Gulf and the course of the Spanish Galleons around the Yucatan to Cuba.