Nice example of the Ogilby/Montanus map of the Southeast, extending from the York River in Virginia to northern Florida.
The map shows the area from the lower Chesapeake Bay to northern Florida. The map is a faithful reduction of Willem Blaeu's important prototype map of 1638, which Cumming considered to be the "most correct map of this area yet to appear." This reduced example is "more decorative than the Blaeu in that it bears two large decorative cartouches depicting native scenes." -- Burden.
The map was published in Montanus's landmark Amerika, perhaps the greatest illustrated book on the New World produced in the 17th century. Montanus's work contained over one hundred beautifully engraved plates, with views and maps of North and South America.
The map also appeared in early issues of the English edition of Montanus, issued by John Ogilby, but was replaced c. 1673 by the famous First Lords Propreitors map, which gave a more up to date picture of the English presence in Carolina.