Rare Revolutionary War chart of the the tip of South Florida and the Caribbean, prepared to illustrate a part of the Theatre of War between the English and Americans.
The map includes an extensive history of the islands, at a time when informing the French public of the ongoing effort to retake islands in the Caribbean lost to Great Britain during the French & Indian (7 Years) War was of great importance, as France made an attempt to re-assert its importance as a colonial power in the New World.
This map is one of several maps prepared by Esnaut & Rapilly to illustrate the American Revolution, including a very rare plan of the battle of Yorktown. The detail in the Caribbean ranks this map among the best of the period. An extensive historical notice regarding the Caribbean is included in the table in the upper right corner, including sections on a number of different islands. Gorgeous original color. The map is quite rare, with only 2 dealer catalogue entries in the past 25 years.