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Import Early Canadian Map

Nice example of the second state of Barent Langenes, map of Newfoundland and Nova Francia, which first appeared in the 1598 edition of Langenes Caert-Thresoor, published in Middelburg.

Based upon Cornelis Claesz's rare Nova Francia, published circa 1594, the map is the first to provide a detailed treatment of the area around Newfoundland.

The map also includes a long, dotted area which is most likely depicting the Grand Banks, although at least one author has suggested that it shows the Gulf Stream, although the latter seems unlikely.

Langenes's map was first issued in his Caert-Thresoor and later re-published by Bertius in his Tabularum Geographicarum, beginning in 1600, with the total number of appearances of this map running to no less than 12 appearances between 1598 and 1650 in the two works by Langenes and Bertius .

The illustration of the Cod Fish was intended to denote the rich fishing ground in the region, which by the end of the 16th Century had become among the most important areas for fishing in the North Atlantic and was plied by fishing fleets from a number of European Countries.

The map is also one of the earliest maps to depict Newfoundland as a single island, rather than a group of islands.

An essential map for Canadian Collectors.


There are three states of the map, which can be identified as follows:

  • State 1: No latitudinal scale along the left neatline (1598)
  • State 2: Latitudinal scale along the left neatline (1599)
  • State 3: The pagination h.2. added at lower right (1646)

The dates above reflect the first year of publication of each state of the map.  

Barent Langenes Biography

Barent Langenes was a Dutch publisher and engraver at the turn of the seventeenth century. He worked in Middleburg, Netherlands.  He is best known for his publication of Petrus Bertius’ Caert-Thresoor in 1598. This pocket world atlas was small, printed in the vernacular, and was more affordable than folio-sized competitors, allowing more people to own and use atlases. The atlas was a commercial success and was printed twelve times in Dutch, French, Latin, and German editions between 1598 and 1650, although Langenes was most likely only involved in the first two Dutch editions (1598 and 1599).