Marvelous map of Texas, Mexico and the Southwest, showing the Republic of Texas.
Includes excellent pre-Fremont cartography in Upper or New California, although the 3 rivers feeding the two Great Salt Lakes in Utah have been changed from the earliest editions of this map. Lake Teguayo has been pushed far to the West of its usual location to preserve its connection to the Pacific, although Salt Lake is no longer connected by a water route to the Pacific. Excellent post-Humboldt, Long and Pike Cartography in the Rocky Mountains.
Early Texas details include Austin, Houston, Bastrop ou Mina, Ft. Matagorda, Guardia y Barca, Ft. del Altar, Washington, St. Patrick, and other place names. The color coded key in the western part of the map names the Republique of Texas (along with Mexico, Guatemala, Central America, the United States and the Russian and English Colonies, however, the colorist has adopted a post-1845 coloration of the borders, despite the use of the Republic of Texas in the title and on the map.
The note at the bottom left explains the map sources as follows:
The coasts, which feature on both parts of this map, are derived from eight maps published by the Deposito Hidrografico of Madrid from 1807 to 1820 and from two maps published in London in 1822 and 1824. The interior of Mexico is drawn based on the large map by Mr. Alexander von Humboldt; the maps by Tanner, Colonel Poinsett, and [John] Arrowsmith have provided some new details. The territory of the United States, east of the Cordillera and north of New Mexico, is taken from the maps accompanying Major Long’s voyage and the American Atlas by Tanner. Dr. Coulter and Mr. de Roquefeuil have given us details about California. The interior of Guatemala is drawn based on the works of Juarros, T. Strangeway, and Colonel Galindo, as well as on various notes and information gathered by Mr. von Humboldt; this renowned traveler, by expanding the domain of science through the publication of his own works, also helps to push back the limits with the numerous communications he is pleased to share with those engaged in geographical studies.
An essential map for collectors of the Republic, being one of the only maps in any language to use the name Republique Du Texas in the title.
Andre Hubert Brué was a French geographer and cartographer. Born in Paris, he served in the French Navy, joining the Baudin expedition to the Pacific (1800-1804). After his sea service, Brué applied his navigation and charting skills to creating finely-crafted maps, which were renowned for their crisp engraving and accuracy. He drew directly on the copper of the plate, creating what he called encyprotypes. He is best known for the Atlas universal de géographie physique, politique, ancienne et moderne.