Rare Map of the 13 United States -- A Rhinorceros in North America?
This is a nice full original color example of Johann Michael Probst's early and extremely rare map of the United States (XIII vereinigten Staaten), published in Augsburg and dated 1782.
While seemingly a copy of Johann George Schreiber's Charte von dem Engellaendischen u. Franzoesischen Besitzungen in Nord America with a revised cartouche, this is, in fact, an entirely different copperplate engraving, and notably, virtually unknown to modern carto-bibliographers.
The framing of the region west of the Alleghanies is unusual, suggesting an Indian / No Man's Land up to the Mississippi River. The dating of the map, which pre-dates the Treaty of Paris of 1783, highlights the still ongoing uncertainty of the full extent of the claims of the United States prior to the Treaty.
The map is extremely rare. As of December 1, 2024, it was not included in the MapForum list of maps of the United States.