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Stock# 106903

California's Automobile-Based Infrastructure

A nice run of the first 44 issues of this important illustrated periodical on what would become the defining feature of California's transportation infrastructure: automobile highways. This is a complete run under the publication's original title, Calfornia Highways. Beginning with the issue for Nov. 1927 the title changed to California Highways and Public Works. The official organ of the California Highway Commission. Harvey M. Toy served as Chairman of the California Highway Commission.

The pages of California Highways are full of interesting photographically illustrated articles on highway construction, including design and technical aspects. Also, specific projects throughout the state highlighted for instructional benefits. Other topics include traffic studies, highway contractors, safety, problems of maintenance of roads, soil tests, concrete, bridge construction, and the like. Many "before and after" views showing highway improvements and progress.

The present run, bound in two volumes, comprises vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 1924) through vol. 4, no. 9 (Sept.-Oct. 1927), inclusive. The complete series under the California Highways title.

The publication would continue through the 1960s under a slightly different title, as the mouthpiece of the California Division of Highways.

The final page of several issues hints at the larger context of inter-state auto travel: Map Showing Federal Aid and Highway System

Notable articles, including several with interesting photographic aerial views of San Diego and other Southern California locations:

Airplane View of Cardiff - Encinitas line change on the San Diego Coast.

Ventura Seawall Construction

Puncture Vine - Maintenance Department Joins Fight

Nevada Transcontinental Highways Exposition at Reno

Concrete Testing Machine Designed by Highway Engineers

Desert Highway Workers in Bathing Suits

California Highway Commission

In the 1920s, California was at the forefront of developing a comprehensive highway system to accommodate the rapid rise in automobile ownership and the growing demand for efficient transportation. The California Highway Commission, established in 1911, played a pivotal role in this transformation by overseeing the planning, construction, and maintenance of state highways. By the mid-1920s, the Commission was engaged in significant projects, including the expansion of key routes and the integration of federal aid programs. California Highways documents the evolution of these efforts, offering valuable insights into the early stages of what would become the defining feature of California's transportation infrastructure. The inclusion of a map titled "Map Showing Federal Aid and Highway System" in the final issue hints at the conclusion of this ambitious publication, marking a critical moment in the state's infrastructural development.

The numbers contained in the two bound volumes are as follows:

First physical volume:

  • Volume 1, Number 1 (January 1924) - Volume 2, Number 12 (December 1925), inclusive.

Second physical volume:

  • Volume 3, Number 1 (January 1926) - Volume 4, Number 9 (September - October, 1927), inclusive.


This publication is rare in the market.


Condition Description
Quarto. Four volumes bound in two containing 44 issues. Contemporary half black leather over pebbled black cloth. Spine titles in gilt: "CALIFORNIA / HIGHWAYS / AND / PUBLIC / WORKS" with the volume dates in the four compartments. Covers gilt-lettered "DEPUTY DIRECTOR, PUBLIC WORKS." Each issue individually paginated, ranging from 15 - 20 pages per issue. Profusion of maps and photographic illustrations in text. Minor tape repair on a couple of pages. Otherwise clean and very nice.