This Newsmap poster, titled "China's army is a seasoned military team," showcases a colorful and detailed illustration by Milton Caniff. It depicts a diverse group of Chinese soldiers from various divisions engaged in strategic discussions, emphasizing their unity and seasoned experience in military operations. The text highlights the Chinese contribution to the Allied forces during World War II, noting their long-standing struggle against Japanese forces and their significant casualties over six years of war. The poster includes phrases in Chinese, transliterated into English, intended to help American soldiers communicate with their Chinese counterparts. The right side of the poster offers a series of useful Chinese phrases and their phonetic English translations to facilitate interaction.
The bottom section includes a historical timeline, featuring significant events such as the Mukden Incident of 1931, the Japanese invasion of China in 1937, and the role of the "American Volunteer Group." These historical illustrations, along with the narrative, provide a concise overview of China's involvement in the war.
The poster comes from the "Newsmaps" series, prepared and distributed by the Army Orientation Course, Special Service Division, Army Service Forces, War Department, and distributed by both the Army Air Forces and the Navy's Educational Services Section.