Scarce chart of the Caribbean, showing the route of Christopher Columbus across the Atlantic on each of his four voyages, from Martin Fernandez de Navarrete's Coleccion de los Viages y Descubrimientos, Que Hicieron por Mar Los Espa ñoles Desde Fines Del Siglo XV . . .
The chart shows the Four Voyages of Colombus in 1492, 1495, 1498, and 1502 on a daily basis, including directional arrows.
Navarette's work is a compilation of the Spanish voyages of the 15th century and is one of the earliest obtainable Spanish published maps to provide in detail the course of Columbus's four voyages on a single map.
The companion map, Carta del Oceano Atlantico Setentrional..., depicts Colomus's voyages within the Caribbean.
Condition Description
Engraving on 19th-century paper. Repaired tear.