Cold War Map of Europe: Warsaw Pact and NATO Groupings
This map, titled "Группировки ОВС НАТО в Европе," translates to "Groupings of Warsaw Pact and NATO in Europe." It is labeled as "Европа Политическая Карта," meaning "Europe Political Map." The map was compiled by the Novosibirsk Cartographic Factory of GUGN in 1943 and revised by the Scientific and Editorial Cartographic Section of GUGN in 1953. The responsible editor was I. A. Balantseva, and it was signed for printing on March 26, 1953. The cartographic factory No. 6 GUGN, located in Omsk, was responsible for its printing.
The GUGN, or the Main Directorate of Geodesy and Cartography (Главное управление геодезии и картографии), was a Soviet government agency responsible for geodetic and cartographic activities in the USSR.
The map illustrates the strategic locations and military groupings of the Warsaw Pact and NATO in Europe, providing detailed annotations indicating various military installations and formations. The legend includes symbols for different types of military establishments and forces, such as combined international headquarters, supreme headquarters, main command, and command for army groups, OTAC, OVMS, and districts. It also indicates the number of combat equipment in groupings, including divisions, medium and heavy tanks, tactical aviation aircraft, ships, atomic bombs, and missiles and aircraft carriers of nuclear weapons.
Geographically, the map highlights various regions in Europe, with the Soviet Union and its satellite states marked in distinct colors to reflect their political and military alignment. Key NATO member states and their military installations are also highlighted, indicating the strategic balance of power during the Cold War. The map uses different lines and symbols to denote international borders, military command locations, and types of military equipment.
This map is a significant historical document reflecting the geopolitical and military landscape of Europe during the early years of the Cold War. It demonstrates the strategic considerations of both the Warsaw Pact and NATO, highlighting the intense military readiness and planning characteristic of the period. By offering detailed information about the distribution of military forces and infrastructure, the map serves as a valuable resource for understanding the Cold War dynamics and the strategic military considerations that influenced international relations during this time.