One of the First Books in the Wake of Texas Annexation
Map Shows American Flag Flying Over Texas
Uncut, in Original Wrappers
A very rare account of Texas and Mexico published the year war broke out with Mexico. After a straightforward overview of Mexico's history and resources, based on Humboldt and other authorities, Dr. Newman presents a decidedly opinionated view on Texas annexation. Largely favorable about the potential of Texas as an agricultural region, Newman is vehemently against the war with Mexico:
Of all Wars ever fomented, we remember none more nefarious in its origin, more wanton and atrocious, than that in which we are now plunged by our Rulers and the Land-Jobbers and Slave-Jobbers, whose money, exertions and lies, have made those innstruments of their cupidity our Rulers... this War is as cowardly as it is wicked. A wealthy, enlightened and power Republic of Twenty Millions of People, is attempting to humble and despoil an ignorant, enfeebled, distracted Nation of Seven Millions...
Newman's text certainly indicates that he sympathized with the Mexicans and opposed the annexation of Texas by the United States, but the map which accompanies his book tells a different story. Indeed, it includes a large colored American flag flying over Texas, with its pole planted directly on Point Isabel.
Newman denounces the idea that Texas extended to the Rio Grande:
As to the pretence that Texas rightfully extends to the Rio Grande... Texas never had jurisdiction over one foot of land watered by the Rio Grande or its tributaries; no single individual living on the waters of that river ever participated in or openly sympathized with the Texan revolt... San Isabel and the spot occupied by Gen. Taylor's troops opposite Metamoros [sic], were just as much Mexican territory at all times up to our Military occupation of them, as Vera Cruz or Metamoros. Our officers on the spot have written home letters, speaking of their encampment in the heart of the Mexican province of Tamaulipas - and marvelling at the meekness of the Mexicans in allowing us to drive them before us over the Rio Grande, plant our cannon in battery opposite that city, and cut up their plantations with our entrenchments and fortresses.
The map, lithographed by Lewis & Brown of New York, shows Texas outlined in yellow without panhandle. The large and colorful U.S. flag is planted squarely at Point Isabel, just north of Matamoros. El Paso is "Paso del Norte" and shown outside the yellow boundary of Texas. Two southern boundaries of Texas are indicated in yellow at the Nueces and Rio Grande. The southernmost boundary line with clear delineation of the Mexican State of Coahuila and Texas. The map notes Comanche Indian territory as well as "Nabajos," Moqui, and Nochi tribes.
Probably the first book about Texas to be published after annexation--Jenkins, Texas Revolution catalog 521.
While well represented in institutional confines, complete copies with the map are very rare in the market, especially with the original printed wrappers intact.
Ted Lusher, prominent collector of Texana.