Scarce map of the United States, showing the state of Frankland in western North Carolina, predating the appearance of Tennessee. Georgia , the Carolinas and Virginia extend to the Mississippi (although Kentucke is named). A large area in the old Northwest is identified as lang ceded to the United States. Many western Forts are shown, especially west of the Mississippi and North of the Missouri River. Kansez is named. The vast prairies of Buffalo People are shown. Tecas is named. Indiana and Ohio are named, but badly misconfigured. A terrific map, which appeared in volume 116 of the Histoire Universel and is listed in Ashley Baynton Williams work on Franklina, the third earliest appearance of the name. (Map Collector 72:15, #3) On December 14, 1784, the elected representatives of the people of western Carolina and eastern Tennessee conducted the First Constitutiona Convention in Jonesboro, at which time they elected John Sevier president and John A. Ramsay secretary. The purpose of the convention was galvanized by the Cumberland resident's dissatisfaction with an unresponsive government in North Carolina, including dissatisfaction with the tax structure. At the conclusion of the meeting, a letter wa written to Benjamin Franklin, inviting him to relocate and requesting authority to use his name. Franklin responded that he was proud to offer his name, but could not relocate. Gerson: Franklin America's Lost State.
Louis Brion de la Tour (ca. 1743-1803) was a French geographer and demographer. Little is known about Louis’ early life, but some glimpses of his professional life survive. He did achieve the title of Ingénieur Géographe du Roi. Much of his work was done in partnership with Louis Charles Desnos, who was bookseller and geographical engineer for globes to the Danish Crown. He worked on the Indicateur fidèle ou guide des voyageurs, qui enseigne toutes les routes royales between 1762 and 1785. During his career he also worked on several atlases. By 1795, he had gained a pension from the National Assembly. Perhaps this pension was granted in part because his son, also Louis Brion de la Tour (1763-1823), was an engraver who made Revolutionary prints, as well as maps.